Chapter by PILC Lawyers, Allison and Joëlle, Published in Book – “Public Interest Litigation in Canada” (2019)

PILC lawyers, Allison Fenske and Joëlle Pastora Sala , have a published chapter entitled “The Wheels of Justice: Reflections from the Public Interest Law Centre of Legal Aid Manitoba” in a Lexis Nexis Book entitled “Public Interest Litigation in Canada” (April 2019), edited by Cheryl Milne and Kent Roach. The chapter is a case comment on Stadler v Manitoba (Social Services Appeal Board, Director, St Boniface) in which the Manitoba Court of Appeal ruled that the Social Services Appeal Board, the most important Manitoban social benefits tribunals, has the jurisdiction and obligation to consider Charter issues. This decision directly overturned a 1992 ruling that the same tribunal did not have the jurisidction to consider Charter issues. As PILC was involved in both decisions, Joëlle and Allison take the opportunity to reflect on the story about the “public interest” through these cases and the history of PILC in honour of its recent 35th anniversary.