
Category Archives: Top Stories

Recognizing National Duty Counsel Day 2024

If you are an adult or youth who arrives in court without a lawyer, a Duty Counsel lawyer can do a number of things for you: Tell you what will …

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Recognizing National Duty Counsel Day 2023 Across Canada

Recognizing National Duty Counsel Day 2023 Across Canada Legal Aid Manitoba is proud to take part, with all the provincial and territorial members of the Association of Legal Aid Plans …

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American College of Trial Lawyer supports PILC / L’American College of Trial Lawyers soutient le CJIP

On December 20, 2022, the Public Interest Law Centre (PILC) was grateful to receive $15,000 from the Board of the American College of Trial Lawyers Canadian Foundation. As a direct …

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National Duty Counsel Day

The first line of defence starts at the front line; duty counsel is at the front line…to serve. October 27 is Duty Counsel Day. Initiated by Canada’s legal aid associations, …

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CRTC Preserves Paper Billing for Vulnerable Consumers / Le CRTC maintient la facturation papier pour certains consommateurs vulnérables

In response to consumers’ concerns about the transition by service providers to exclusive electronic billing, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has acted to preserve the availability of paper …

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Law suit initiated on behalf of Minegoziibe Anishinabe and Wuskwi Sipihk First Nations / Les Premières Nations de Minegoziibe Anishinabe et Wuskwi Sipihk intentent une action

On January 25 2022, the Public Interest Law Centre, in partnership with First Peoples Law LLP, filed a Notice of Application for Judicial Review at Manitoba’s Court of King’s Bench …

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PUB approves 3.6 % interim rate increase for Hydro

English On December 24, 2021, the Public Utilities Board approved a 3.6% rate increase for Manitoba Hydro, on an interim basis, a lower increase than the 5% requested by the …

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PUB renders decision on MPI rates

On December 15, 2021, the Public Utilities Board (PUB) released its decision on Manitoba Public Insurance’s 2022/23 rate application, approving a 1.57% rate decrease and a $312M one-time rebate to …

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Manitoba Public Insurance 2022 General Rate Application: Fairness to ratepayers through Covid-19 and into the future

On behalf of the Manitoba Branch of the Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC Manitoba), PILC has called on the Public Utilities Board to ensure that Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) treats …

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AMC challenge to the clawback of Children’s Allowance Benefits

On October 26-29, 2021, PILC represented the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) before the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench arguing for the rights of First Nations children in the child …

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